During this whole renting while we are building time it's sometimes felt like we've pressed pause on our lives in some areas waiting to press play when we get in the new house. Traditions,
correspondence, even dinner most nights have been put on the back burner. So, when it came to decorating for Christmas, we weren't going to do too much. I really wanted to just get this tree as a joke:

I also wanted to get a live potted tree that we could use and then just plant with our landscaping. That didn't happen, I waited too long to buy it.
My wonderful friend Michele let me borrow a tree and glass balls (she calls them bulbs - what do you call them?). Those things along with some purchased garland, $1 poinsettias, and these stockings I did a little decorating.

Jason and Peyton made the star for the tree last night. I also have wrapping paper we bought from Mackenzie's school fundraiser that will match the color scheme.

Although I miss a lot of my decorations I have packed up, I'm glad we did a little decorating! I can't believe Christmas and 2009 are right around the corner!!