Thursday, July 17, 2008

Swatch Phones

Raise your hand if you had a Swatch Phone! I did and it looked like this one (but I don't remember it having purple buttons). I have got to find pictures of it. If you didnt' have one, the neat thing about the Swatch Phone was that you could talk on the handset OR pick up the base, flip it over and use it as a handset. Perfect for sleepovers and people talking over each other. I've been wanting to get a corded phone for when the electricity goes out and I think I'm going to track one of these down. I may have to go with the clear version where you can see the inner workings!


Lindsay said...

You're right--the background is too cute! Glad I got to see you today! I did not have a swatch phone but I did have a lavendar phone in my room that I thought was totally radical.

The Traxsons said...

hollah! i so had a swatch phone. and the cool watch with the little rubber guard on it ;)