I really need to be out the door, running errands but I made the mistake of checking e-mail and blogworld before I left so here I am...laughing at this from Mitzi's site. Go to Google and type in "____________(your name in the blank) needs".
Here are mine and you will probably laugh! I kid you not, these are four from the first page!
1. Christy needs to blog. (I promise this was number one!)
2. Christy needs a new computer. (Well, with all that blogging, two would be better than one)
3. Christy needs an intervention. (For all the blogging?)
4. Christy needs help. (Again, for all the blogging?)
And a couple more interesting things listed (I only looked at the first two pages):
5. Christy is dying (did someone take my blog away?)
6. Christy needs to breed, breed, breed. (No thanks, I think - and hope - this Christy is a dog).
7. Doug Christ(ie) needs to grow a pair.
8. Christy needs to take a picture of her new socks.
9. Christy needs to take a good long look in the mirror (again with the judging about all the blogging).
10. Seriously - a link that takes you to a place that talks about googling "Christy Needs".
Your turn, what do you need?
11 years ago
This is so hilarious! I've gotta go see what I "need"...
Ha! I wonder why I got totally stupid things and everyone else got funny things? I can't wait to see what you get Lindsay!
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