Monday, August 25, 2008

Calling All Wanna Be Bloggers

I'm thinking about having a little get-together for anyone that wants to start their own blog. I am no professional by any means but I do think I could get someone started and thought if any one, a few of you, or hundreds of you (ha ha) wanted to get one started I'd love to help. Please post a comment below (you don't have to have a google/blogger identity to leave a comment, just click name/url under identity) or e-mail me.
Once I know if anyone is interested we can pick a day and you can just come over with your laptop (or you can use mine), pictures (either loaded on your computer or on a memory card) and yourself and you can start one.
It really is unbelievably easy (and free) and a great way to keep friends and family near and far updated on what you (or mainly in my case - my girls and my television) are doing.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like fun...

Anonymous said...

Okay, you can tell I'd be a challenge - "Anonymous" was Me :)

Lindsay said...

What a nice offer--hope lots take you up on it!

Andy and Traci said...

I am testimony that anyone can learn to blog. Christy taught me in 15 minutes. Go for it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've thought about creating a blog but have never made the time. Since time is so hard to come by lately it would be nice to have someone show me what to do so I don't have to research it myself. Thanks!